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Thursday, March 28, 2013


I've ran into some random pictures, videos, movies, etc.
And some of them are very strange. So here they are:

1. I was zapping through channels and I saw this random cartoon for kids where they were talking about trash and how they should throw the trash all over the place in order to be happy, and that was not what caught my attention but the characters they were very weird I couldn't really guess whether they were human like or animals... Like what's up with the dude with the pink lips and the eye popping out, I don't even know if it's supposed to be a guy or girl and the pic on the bottom I know is hard to see what's going on but believe me it's also because is not very noticeable to guess what they are but it is supposed to be trash all over and the animals and people are throwing it and they are alive in the news.

2. This is another cartoon I ran into, this one is not that strange at all but what's up with their faces?!?!
This is the side of her face and the lips are incompletely shaped, if I was a lil kid I think it would creep me out!!
 And this green thing, what is it supposed to be an alien or a fairy?!?! ...

3. Have you ever seen this movie called "Splice" is just strange, kind of interesting but very strange. You got to watch it!

4. What about this video trust me what he is saying is not as weird as he is!!!

I hope it was interesting for you and if you have better ones please let me know and leave a comment ;)
It is good to distract our minds from time to time to forget about everything that might be bothering or causing stress.  

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Motivational Tuesday

This is just reality, it's not enough to dream and wish to be someone or to achieve something if we don't have self-discipline and determination at least. I've realize that as long as I perform this four actions I can accomplish anything I  propose to achieve, unfortunately this is not as easy as it sounds therefore it takes time but the time is worth it when the results will make great positive changes in our lives. So...

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Cheer up ;)

To cheer up your evening here are some pictures I like and think some are very funny, interesting, beautiful, or cool ....

(Stone Mirror in Antalya, Turkey)

Is just awesome (Japan)

I'm in love with this dog, is just huge

How adorable is this??!!?!

I just hope no one has have an accident for being enjoying the view.

They first take a relaxing bath and then they'll go to a hot tub!


Who wouldn't like to be as strong when older as this woman! 

If you are interested  and would like to look up more pics like these here is the  site where I found most of them:

Monday, March 18, 2013


I thought I should post about exercise to start the week the right way and to stay fit and healthy throughout it. I don't know about you but if I start the day sweating it out (doesn't sound very attractive, I know but the results will) I'm more likely to stay motivated all day!

So I found this workout routine and if you haven't tried it out you should definitely!!!
And if you are the kind of person that likes to feel sore after a workout in order for you to feel you actually worked it out then this is the right for you and if you're not sore afterwards than you didn't do it correctly.  

Here is the routine: 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Fish Soup

Since it has been such a cold rainy day, I wanted to have something warm and fulfilling so I decided to make a soup and I came up with this mix of ingredients which I give thumbs up. Hope you like it ;) 

Serves: 2-3
  • 2 carrots*
  • 1 handful spinach*
  • 2 medium zucchini* 
  • 1/4 c of fresh peas 
  • 5 mushrooms*
  • 10 green beans*
  • 2 fish fillet 
  • (1 stalk of celery, cilantro, onion, garlic) 
  • 2 1/2 c of chicken/vegetable stock
*All chopped in small pieces so they can cook faster 
  1. In a pan place the chicken/vegetable stock with the stalk of celery, one clove of garlic, some cilantro, a small piece of onion and bring it to boil in medium heat. This is to give more flavor to our liquid. Once it is boiling turn the heat to low and add the fillet, once the fillet is cooked you can now turn the heat off and drain the liquid (save the fillet).
  2. Put the drained liquid back into the pan and add the chopped carrots and turn the stove in low heat, once it is boiling you can add in the green beans and the peas let it cook for 7 minutes than you can add in the zucchini and mushrooms and let it cook for another 7 minutes. Once you see all the vegetables are cooked you can add the spinach and let it cook for 3-4 more minutes.
  3. Lastly you add the fillet and let it boil for 3 more minutes and you are finally done.

What is nice about this soup is that is very flexible since you can swap ingredients for the once you like the most.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Just want to start by welcoming you to my blog hoping that you will enjoy all the content.
And here I leave a quote I found and it gave me lot to think of: 

Have a great weekend ;)