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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Want to be HEALTHIER?!?!?

I was reading this one article and again it talks about how our body wasn't designed to live the life that a great majority is living now days, surprise-surprise, right!!
Here I quote one of their paragraphs and the link so you can check it out!!

If you are like me, and you have read many article and you know what to do and how to live in order to become healthy, just erase "loose weight" from your brain, hard huu!!! but it will keep you more focused and prevent you from gaining weight!
Because it is hard I just have to keep myself updated in the topic and motivated.

"We’re all cavemen living in the fast lane, and our bodies are not well adapted to 32-ounce colas, sugary cereals, French fries and pizzas. We’re not fully adapted to late-night talk shows and desk jobs either. Our bodies were designed for simple whole foods like meat, seafood, fruits and vegetables, and roasted nuts and seeds with no added sugar, fat or salt. We’re designed for daily physical activity, for going to sleep soon after sunset and for living predominantly outdoors and exposed to sunlight. Our ancient energy homeostasis system is no match for today’s environment in which food manufacturers design irresistibly tasty foods that purposely cause us to overeat beyond our energy needs."

Read more: http://www.askmen.com/sports/foodcourt_60/76_eating_well.html#ixzz2YmVofzRe

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


We constantly regret things but most of us don't make an effort to change, to make better decisions or mistakes that are worth it!!!
Everybody should start LIVING life, enjoying ourselves so we can enjoy being with others, making changes in ourselves so we can make a change in tomorrows world. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Motivational Monday

To start the week with a great thought

If we want comfort we will never really change because change involves challenge and when something takes extra effort is when the results last longer and maintain for ever ;)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Never give up, even the hardest tasks can be achieved as long as we grow hope and mix it with discipline,being persistent and dedication.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Truth

So Through out the past eight years or so I have been dealing with health issues, and I don't know how damaged my body is but it has definitely affected in many ways and my life in all matters. So with some research here and there I think I have found the answer to all of my health issues (and most of the people in general). The truth lies in our habits and our discipline, how is so, well everything living and nonliving things have a nature and that nature shouldn't be modified because everything was created in a way so that it can all work out together. The humans have affected natures throughout the years, some changes have been for good but lot others have been for worst; it's truth that humans want to improve humans lives and put us in a comfort zone, but is that good, is that what human intelligence is for? I don't think so, humans should do research on how to first of all prevent diseases (health issues) and secondly cure/treat them, such as diabetics, AIDS, cancer, malformations, etc. 

I think if we humans see life in a different way more like it used to be before in old day life today shouldn't be so miserably, the countries shouldn't have many problems, society wouldn't be experience things like depression, discomfort, bulling, anorexia/bulimia, addictions, etc. I think mos of us are not using time in a productive way, a lot of people is spending way too much time in front of Tv, electronic devices and they do harm the cells in the brain, the eyes, and bit by bit after a long period of time of making it a habit we have developed harm to our body and when one part of our body is not working properly it starts damaging other parts (organs) and that is how it all starts, and this same pattern goes for all the earth. When one environment is not in it's natural point it all starts disorganizing and one thing leads to the other for example when the population starts growing and starts making the city (place) bigger for more people it leads to taking some of the animals and plants habitat, than it starts the logging and after some time animals start despairing or  dying because of humans (an example is Australia the population is growing and there for people is occupying Koalas habitat and now days it is very common to see Koalas around the city but it is even more mortifying they are getting killed by people since they fall from trees or they ran past by a car when crossing the streets, and the result is Koalas in danger of extinction). 

Getting back to health issues, if we keep our diet to its natural, like it was meant to be we shouldn't be suffering from health issues that often. Just think, before people wasn't exposed to all of those companies, advertisements which have lead to instability causing food addiction, and people to consume unhealthy foods (food poor in nutrients) like processed foods, refined sugars, foods full of pesticides, a big variety of cigarettes, alcoholic drinks, drugs, etc. If we would have kept the way food used to be consumed years ago people shouldn't be getting sick constantly, I am not saying industrial developments and development in general is bad,   but it should have kept its margin to making it easier for the farmers and to create healthy ways to end with bacteria growing and plagues but not to creating massive production that causes people to eating in a bigger proportion and  making us addicted to their foods. Then when we get to eat more quantities we add that the food is poor in nutrients and full of pesticides we start damaging more importantly our gut and our stomach and than all of the rest of the body. Once we have gotten sick we go to the doctor and doctors start prescribing medicine that all it does is to destabilize our body's balance to illustrate this lets talk about Gastritis, the symptoms are heart burn, acidity reflux and digestive pain, then doctors prescribe medicine to stop producing the acid our stomach produces than the food we eat is not being digested properly due to the poor acidity liquids our stomach is producing and bacteria that is in the food are not getting killed because of the same reason, that leads to our gut getting damaged and swollen which leads to other parts of the body to get swollen as well and inflammation is not good for our body overall, than because our glut is damaged we are not absorbing all of the vitamins from our food and the body starts getting damaged in several areas. after a period of time of putting our body through that process we start experiencing serious health issues and it all started because of  eating unhealthy foods in an unhealthy way. Bottom line is that we, people have to start taking serious thoughts on our eating habits, to learn what is good for our body and avoid all of those advertisements that cause people to eat unhealthy foods, we have to make better choices and try to go back to old days when eating was as stressful as it is today, we need to learn the importance of proportion and eat at the right time. Health starts to what we put in our body and then how we use that energy. 

I hope this info was useful for you, even though it is  very vague but I was just trying to make a point. Please if we make a change starting from our own body believe me than we will make a change into the whole world!! I never mention it is not easy and it will never be easy but hard work is the one that last the longer. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dance Dance

Hello, I have to say that I really like the beat in these songs, they are very catchy and danceable (if that's a word :p) And this guys know how to put flavor to them ;)

So check 'em out!!!

So hope you like them and if you know any cool reggae, Jamaican beats let me know ;)


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hello, I know it's been a while since I last posted something but I'm back and I've decided to show you couple of things I just bought and couple of outfits I have picked from my wardrobe, so hope you enjoy ;)

So here is the stuff I bought this past month, which didn't were that many thing but I really loved them.

So first is this purse that I really liked since I saw it and I'm obsessed with it because is very practical and matches with everything.

And next is this dress I am crazy in love with, is just the details that it has on the top of the dress, this tribal pattern with those tiny coins hanging and the shape of the shoulders is jut cool.

Now here are the two outfits I liked.

First is this baby yellow floral skirt which is very comfortable to wear and it's pretty easy to match with since it's got several colors going on. I pared it with a coral top and orange heels as you can see.
I think this outfit is very colorful but is prefect for this weather and this city I live in, which is consider the city of the eternal summer.

Secondly is this cacky skirt that I pared with this sheer top and it has golden details all over with flats and the purse that I love. 

I hope you liked it and here a leave the places where I got all the stuff from

*Purse, both skirts, dress and sheer top Pull&Bear. mx
*Bow ring Forever 21
*Orange heels LOB.mx
*Coral top H&M

Xoxo ...


Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday of motivation!

Just to start the week with some motivation here I leave you with a quote ;)

Doesn't it makes you think that some of us just think of all the cons instead of the pros!!!!
Well unfortunately I am one of those, I constantly see all of the rocks that are on my way   as cons keeping me away from achieving any goal I have in mind. 
Most of the time I complain about my situation and the choices I've made, saying: "If only this, if only that. If only I had this, If only I didn't have that" and so on and it really just keeps me away from achievement and success therefor I will start trying to see those rocks as  tools instead of obstacles and that way I hope it will make me stronger, intelligent and capable of achieving any goal, to be determined to succeed no matter what. 

No more "If ONLY's" and MORE "I WILL" ... At least I will start trying so in a future it becomes a habit ;)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Thrown back ( *^ - ^)

And who doesn't have memories from your childhood, those memories that bring back happiness from those old great times, there for I decided to post about some memories from my childhood.
Some of you will relate and for those that won't really relate I hope at least it makes you remember about your old great times and put a smile in your face!  ;)


And who didn't eat one of this after school?!?!?!

I remember after getting off from the kinder-garden and from elementary school on my way home there was a street market and my mother and I would go across it and when ever I saw one of this jelly in a dog shape my mom would get one for me. I don't really remember if it tasted well but I just remember I loved the so I don't know if it was because of the shape or because it tasted well.
I haven't had one for so long and I don't see them quit often, hope I can enjoy one soon!

What about this, I remember as well my mom buying one of these every Friday  since it would come out a new one every Friday. 

Ohh what a memory. I haven't seen these anymore in any place, but I remember I would be exited to get one every time        ( `* - *`)

What about these?
who doesn't remember all these old candies?!?!?

what about these colorful thin slices of rice paper, I remember every kid played to be a priest and and put this slice of paper in the mouth of people, lol so silly  (for those that don't know at least in Mexico in almost every catholic church when people stands in line to receive god's body the priest puts one of these small rice papers in the mouth but in white color)
These chewy thin slices of sweet and spicy candy called cachetadas (slap).
As a kid I don't remember eating that much candy but these were good and fun. 

 This is a good one, who hadn't have one of this?!?!? 
I don't even remember when I last played with it, and don't really remember playing with it but I have a picture of my sister and I with one of it and we seemed very happy!

From all of this memories I have to say that the best one are from collecting those paper dolls and collecting them, it makes me happy don't know exactly why. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Favorites (*^ - ^*)

This are some of the products I've been using for quite a time and I just love them!!

So I'll start with hair products and I have to say that these are amazing!!

This products do what they say they do! They are from LÓreal and the line I use is EverSleek and is for smoothing and frizz control. I just use the shampoo and the styling creme and my hair has improved a lot ;)

You have to try them out they have two different products from the same line but they are for different purposes. 

 This one here is the awapuhi ginger from Organix and it's for repairing.
I only use the dry oil since I've used their shampoos but they just leave my hair very oily, the dry oil smells awesome and it really soothes and hydrates the ends without giving the oily look.  
 This is the Malibu Heat body mist and it smells great very refreshing which makes you feel like you are on an Island having a Margarita drink or Piña colada right by the beach, and your view might be right on the middle of a traffic jam!! 

 Def a must have!
 This one is just a necklace I purchased at Sfera and it's just a feather with two rounded beads one in baby blue and the other in coral, is just so simple but very girly and pretty. 
 And for those dry lips I really recommend this Burt's Bees lip balm, I got the one with pomegranate oil and smells amazing and gives a little bit of color to the lips giving a natural look.
 I just love this blush from MABELLINE and it's the dream bouncy blush in 60 coffee cake, I just love it since it gives a very natural finish with a little bit of shine from the soft glitter that it has, it's very light and soft that it blends very well and the skin kind of absorbs it, I specially like this tone since it looks very natural and it looks kind of like bronzer at the same time which I love.
 These lip gloss, Beauty Rush from Victoria's Secrets are one of my favs since they smell awesome and they give a slight color to my lips, I specially wear the golden one for partying at night since it leaves the lips glowing and looking elegant. 
Lastly but not least is this Hawaiian Tropic Ozono sun block, I just love it, it is my number one sun block from all because it has a very fresh and lasting smell, it absorbs very well without the feeling of oil it's just like any moisturizer but with the benefits of the sunblock really a must have specially in spring and summer!!! 

Hope you enjoyed this post and give a try to some of the products I use, you won't regret it ;)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Best wedges so far

Hey, today I decided to post about this wedges I'm in love with!!!

1st pair

I bought my first pair about a month ago and I just felt in love with them since they are very comfortable casual looking but chic ;)

 And not just that but they were very cheap so I said "hey I got to get another ones" and so I did and I love them even more than the first ones!! 

If you live in Mexico you may find them in mostly any shoe store, I bought mines at "La Milagresa".

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Nopal salad

Today I decided to make something fulfilling but very healthy ;)

I came up with this recipe myself, right at the moment :p
So if you give it a try I hope you will enjoy it!!

2 nopales (cactus) 
1/4 c red onion
1/4 c green pepper
1/4 to 1/2 c of cooked beans
The juice of 1/2 a lime
Fresh cilantro to taste 
1/4 c green pepper
pinch of salt
  1. Bring one cup of water to boil. Once is boiling put a pinch of salt (to cut on some of the mucus from the vegetable) reduce the flame to the lowest and add the nopales (add them chopped into thin slices), cook them for about 15 minutes in low heat or until light green and tender. 
  2. Chop the onion in thin slices, the cilantro and the green pepper in small peaces.
  3. Let the cactus chill until room temperature.
  4. Now mix in the cactus with the onion, the beans, the pepper, cilantro, the salt and the lime juice and mix it until well mixed.
  5. Lastly let it chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes so all the flavor combine. 

If you don't live in Mexico, you may find the nopal in your local market if not than try to visit a Mexican market. 
This is a great salad to calm craving or as a side dish since is very low in calories and is fulfilling like I said. If you are just trying to be healthy you can have the salad with some tortilla chips or just a warm tortilla or crackers but if you are on a diet than just have it alone or with some source of protein. Here I grilled a chicken breast and a tortilla with the salad as lunch. 

If you don't know what exactly nopales are here I leave a link to the explanation of what it is.
This link shows some research about the side effects but I think those side effects may be possible only if you eat it in very large quantities and very often, I have never experience any of those side effects nor any of the people I know; and when you cook it boiled or saute is totally fine. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013


I've ran into some random pictures, videos, movies, etc.
And some of them are very strange. So here they are:

1. I was zapping through channels and I saw this random cartoon for kids where they were talking about trash and how they should throw the trash all over the place in order to be happy, and that was not what caught my attention but the characters they were very weird I couldn't really guess whether they were human like or animals... Like what's up with the dude with the pink lips and the eye popping out, I don't even know if it's supposed to be a guy or girl and the pic on the bottom I know is hard to see what's going on but believe me it's also because is not very noticeable to guess what they are but it is supposed to be trash all over and the animals and people are throwing it and they are alive in the news.

2. This is another cartoon I ran into, this one is not that strange at all but what's up with their faces?!?!
This is the side of her face and the lips are incompletely shaped, if I was a lil kid I think it would creep me out!!
 And this green thing, what is it supposed to be an alien or a fairy?!?! ...

3. Have you ever seen this movie called "Splice" is just strange, kind of interesting but very strange. You got to watch it!

4. What about this video trust me what he is saying is not as weird as he is!!!

I hope it was interesting for you and if you have better ones please let me know and leave a comment ;)
It is good to distract our minds from time to time to forget about everything that might be bothering or causing stress.  

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Motivational Tuesday

This is just reality, it's not enough to dream and wish to be someone or to achieve something if we don't have self-discipline and determination at least. I've realize that as long as I perform this four actions I can accomplish anything I  propose to achieve, unfortunately this is not as easy as it sounds therefore it takes time but the time is worth it when the results will make great positive changes in our lives. So...

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Cheer up ;)

To cheer up your evening here are some pictures I like and think some are very funny, interesting, beautiful, or cool ....

(Stone Mirror in Antalya, Turkey)

Is just awesome (Japan)

I'm in love with this dog, is just huge

How adorable is this??!!?!

I just hope no one has have an accident for being enjoying the view.

They first take a relaxing bath and then they'll go to a hot tub!


Who wouldn't like to be as strong when older as this woman! 

If you are interested  and would like to look up more pics like these here is the  site where I found most of them:

Monday, March 18, 2013


I thought I should post about exercise to start the week the right way and to stay fit and healthy throughout it. I don't know about you but if I start the day sweating it out (doesn't sound very attractive, I know but the results will) I'm more likely to stay motivated all day!

So I found this workout routine and if you haven't tried it out you should definitely!!!
And if you are the kind of person that likes to feel sore after a workout in order for you to feel you actually worked it out then this is the right for you and if you're not sore afterwards than you didn't do it correctly.  

Here is the routine: 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Fish Soup

Since it has been such a cold rainy day, I wanted to have something warm and fulfilling so I decided to make a soup and I came up with this mix of ingredients which I give thumbs up. Hope you like it ;) 

Serves: 2-3
  • 2 carrots*
  • 1 handful spinach*
  • 2 medium zucchini* 
  • 1/4 c of fresh peas 
  • 5 mushrooms*
  • 10 green beans*
  • 2 fish fillet 
  • (1 stalk of celery, cilantro, onion, garlic) 
  • 2 1/2 c of chicken/vegetable stock
*All chopped in small pieces so they can cook faster 
  1. In a pan place the chicken/vegetable stock with the stalk of celery, one clove of garlic, some cilantro, a small piece of onion and bring it to boil in medium heat. This is to give more flavor to our liquid. Once it is boiling turn the heat to low and add the fillet, once the fillet is cooked you can now turn the heat off and drain the liquid (save the fillet).
  2. Put the drained liquid back into the pan and add the chopped carrots and turn the stove in low heat, once it is boiling you can add in the green beans and the peas let it cook for 7 minutes than you can add in the zucchini and mushrooms and let it cook for another 7 minutes. Once you see all the vegetables are cooked you can add the spinach and let it cook for 3-4 more minutes.
  3. Lastly you add the fillet and let it boil for 3 more minutes and you are finally done.

What is nice about this soup is that is very flexible since you can swap ingredients for the once you like the most.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Just want to start by welcoming you to my blog hoping that you will enjoy all the content.
And here I leave a quote I found and it gave me lot to think of: 

Have a great weekend ;)